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LMM 2.8 - Famous: the Jonny Pride Story

October 2009
Download: LMM 2.8 - Famous: the Jonny Pride Story
(mp3, zipped, 68MB)

Buy CD: $7
• handmade in recycled packaging
• free shipping in the U.S.

"Songs by and about one of the 60's greatest forgotten rockers." - jw

• written and recorded by Alex Silverman and John Wood
• produced by Alex Silverman

• featuring Keith Karman (bass & drums: 1, 3, 6), Brian McLaughlin (drums, 2), Barbara Gruska (drums 4, 10; background vocals 9, 10), Samantha Sidley (background vocals 9, 10), Charles DeCastro (trumpet 1, 3, 9), Emily Howell (vocals: 7)

• cover artwork by Suisse Marocain and Kit Brown

All downloads are ©2009 Learning Music, and offered under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license — you are encouraged to share and remix as long as you give credit.